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MLB Should Never Reinstate Pete Rose

Photo: Ethan Miller

Rob Parker: "To lifting the ban on Pete Rose, I say NO WAY, NO HOW. I don't care what pardon he gets or whatever thing people are trying to clean up. I don't think there was a bigger warning to players in sports. When you walk into a baseball clubhouse, the biggest sign on the wall is about gambling. It's bigger than the moon. He chose to ignore it. He thought he was bigger than the game. And sadly, he put the integrity of the sport in harm's way. Without integrity, MLB would wind up being the WWE. And worse, is that he was never honest about his involvement and never fully accepted responsibility."

Rob Parker and Kelvin Washington react to reports of MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred considering posthumous reinstatement for all-time hit leader Pete Rose. Rob, a member of the BBWAA and a Hall of Fame Voter, explains why Rose can never be reinstated, and thereby Hall of Fame eligible, due to his blatant disregard for MLB gambling policies, which are still severe despite widespread acceptance of sports betting companies by professional sports leagues and beyond.

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